The latest scam targeting older Americans isn’t necessarily a scam. You might even call it a “legal” scam. BUT, TWU retirees need to be aware of it so as not to fall prey to it.
Most of us have seen those commercials on TV, with well known personalities, that claim “you are missing out on free Medicare benefits.”
Most of us have seen those commercials on TV, with well known personalities, who claim “you are missing out on free Medicare benefits.”

For TWU retirees 65 on Medicare Part B and the Aetna Option 1 or 2 Advantage plans and the CVS Silver Scripts RX plan, YOU DON’T NEED ANYTHING ELSE.
Don’t Give your Medicare or SS #’s to Anyone Over the Phone
Unfortunately, some retirees are calling the 800 numbers touted in the commercials to see what it’s all about. They are made to believe that they will be getting additional coverage. They are coaxed into giving the person on the other side of the call their Medicare MBI Identifier and Social Security number, and that’s when the problem starts.
Without authorization, the retiree can then be enrolled in a new Medicare advantage plan touted on TV. When this happens, the new coverage becomes “Primary” and the retiree will be disenrolled from the union’s Aetna Medicare Advantage plans (Options 1 or 2), and those in CVS Silver Scripts Rx plan.
You may not even be aware of the change until you try to use your union coverage and are denied.
Then, if you wish to get back onto the union plan, it is a headache.
There are two ways to avoid being taken advantage of.
One, do not give out your Medicare information or social security number to anyone over the phone.
Or, if you feel that you would like to change plans, call the TWU Local 100 Retirees Association, or the MTA BSC first to discuss all your options.
TWU Retirees have excellent coverage.
The other plans may be similar, but they are not better.