Your Children and Grandchildren Are Eligible for College Scholarships Administered by the Local and International Unions

The children and grandchildren of TWU Local 100 members and retirees are eligible for two college scholarships – the TWU Local 100 / M3 Technology Scholarship and the TWU International Union’s Michael J. Quill Scholarship.  They provide opportunities for eligible members and their children or grandchildren to win financial assistance attending an accredited college. 

TWU Local 100 / M3 Technology Scholarship

The M3/Local 100 program is for college-bound or college-attending students.

Fill out the application here to apply for the M3 Technology 2024 Scholarship. The deadline for this application is May 31, 2024. These are one-year scholarships. TWU Local 100 members/retirees in good standing may submit one application each year for each student. Households with two TWU Local 100 members/retirees, may submit two applications per student each year. 

Applicants must be a TWU Local100 member, spouse of a member, children, or grandchildren of members, or TWU Local 100 Retiree members in good standing. Applicant must also be attending or accepted by an accredited two or four-year college.

Scholarships range from $15,000 to $1,000 and are drawn randomly in a lottery. 

TWU International Michael J. Quill Scholarship

The Quill Scholarships, administered by the TWU International, benefit the children of our members in transit, railroad and air transportation, utilities, public employment, space installations, and allied industries. The deadline for application is May 3, 2024.

The 2024 Michael J. Quill Scholarship Fund offers fifteen (15) children who are current high school seniors of TWU members a scholarship worth $4,800.00. This scholarship will be paid out, each year in the amount of $1,200.00 to winners who continue to be eligible over their four (4) year course.

Here is a link to the Michael J. Quill Scholarship Application.